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Magic for Special Education


       The Society of American Magicians has developed an innovative new program featuring Magic as a teaching tool for special education classes.  This program is being offered at no cost to special educators, and all of the tricks in the introductory level of the program can be made with common household items.
     Magic for Special Education was developed with the assistance of students who participated in the disabilities program offered by the Nashville, Tennessee Parks Department.  They developed their magic skills to the point that they were able to form The Court Jesters Magic Troupe, a touring group of magicians who perform a large illusion stage show.  To date they have given 300 performances for over 65,000 people.
     I have chosen to become a national spokesperson for this program because of the positive results that can be achieved in the lives of individuals with disabilities.  Magic can be used as a fun, creative and entertaining teaching tool for you and your students.
       The Court Jesters have proven that magic can be used successfully as a teaching tool for special education students to:      

     --  Improve mental and physical skills;

     --  Improve self-esteem;

     --  Establish a team concept when performing tasks;

     --  Promote positive public relations within the community; and

     --  Provide increased funding opportunities for the classroom.
     As your students become adept as magicians, they will experience increased self-esteem, and they will develop a positive awareness as they learn to do things that their friends and family members cannot do.  They will learn the magicians' code of secrecy - and you will see a twinkle in their eyes when they are asked, "How did you do that?"
     Magic can become a family activity with parents and siblings showing pride - and awe - in the newly acquired talent exhibited by their family member.  And with practice, the skills they learn can be improved on over a lifetime.
      Magic has played a very important part in my life, and I am proud that the Society of American Magicians has developed a program which will allow individuals with disabilities to derive the same pleasure that I have from this very special art form.  Welcome to the wonderful world of magic!
         Lance Burton

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All donations to the Society of American Magicians Magic for Special Education Program should be made payable to:

Society of American Magicians Magic Endowment Fund, Inc., a Non-Profit Foundation for the advancement of the Art of Magic
and mailed to Harry Monti, 803 Sherwick Terrace, Manchester, Missouri  63021

